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The theory of writing is the purpose of writing, a piece based on your own ideas and thoughts from it. There are many forms of writing ranging from the different focus of mechanics to the different focus on creativity and sociability. The four main forms of theory that are used for writing are cognitive processes theory, sociocultural theory, social cognitive theory, and ecological theory. Cognitive processes theory is the theory in which the author uses their own goals in two key ways: by generating both high-level goals and supporting sub-goals which embody the writer’s developing sense of purpose, and then, at times, by changing major goals or even establishing entirely new ones based on what has been learned in the act of writing. (366) Sociocultural Theory is “the process in which students learning different concepts increases, through engagement with their peers’ work and receiving peer feedback on their own writing. Social cognitive is “a perspective on writing which tries to account for the cognitive operations and representations that underlie the social process of communicating meaning through discourse in a specific social context.” Lastly, the ecological theory is “a way of looking at literacy using concepts from ecology.” There are many theories when it comes to writing literature, however the theory that I follow the most when writing is Cognitive process theory.

The reason I use this strategy is that it provides me with enough planning to do for each of my assignments and have them well organized so it can be easier to write them as well. My theory of writing, before this class was rather bad, I didn’t really do any planning for my own work and what makes it worse I sometimes wing it with little to no information at all to go through. In my High School Paper it was really hard for me to do the work in the time it needed to be done and even scored really low do the bad organization of the paper. The reason for that was due to me not doing a very good job of planning my information.

However afterward I have received a second chance to rewrite my essay. This time I ask for the assistance of my teacher asking how to format my essay to make it easier to understand the information. She taught me to always write an outline in the very beginning to talk about the main bit of information and after you get all the information you need to start writing your first draft to see how the essay is going to flow; lastly review your first draft to see if there are any mistakes so you can do your final draft. From that day forward that is how I wrote most of my pieces of work, I usually make a plan, write the essay out, revise the information and finally finalize it.

When I wrote my Research paper and Inquiry paper in my Freshman Composition class was pretty difficult to get a grasp of, not from the amount of writing that needed to be done but rather the amount of information that needed to be collected. After completing my outline for my assignments, however, it became a lot easier to write about, Even drifting off from the material would be hard a lot of the times because of the organization that does for myself. Lastly, the Composition in Two Genres was rather unique due to the fact that I couldn’t really search up information on the assignment. This allowed me to think outside of the box and pull off some creativity that was lurking around my head. Eventually, I decided to do a poem/comedy as a way to have it connect while bringing out my creative side of writing. This prompted me to have a lot of fun when writing giving off my amazing humor and fun personality.

There has been a lot of things I have learned from this class allowing me to better understand my writing as a creative writer to collecting information and data as an informative writer. These writing assignments allowed me to analyze the work to better my own writing while providing a lot of information that flows well with the essay that I have done. There are multiple ways that my theory of writing can be used not just inside of the classroom, but outside as well. Planning events and other aspects allow for good organization skills that help flow through life much easier and deal with responsibilities. All in all the Theory of writing can be interpreted in many ways, but this is how my writing flows.