Home » Source Based Essay

Source Based Essay

Kevin Barriga

Professor Nancy Carlson Cargain

Freshman Composition 11000

11 September 2019

Mysterious in the United States

Questions that remain unanswered are questions that are unique and create a diverse experience to explore the possibilities of different justifications. Theses Philosophical questions provide an outlet for new ideas and theories for people to ponder. As a result of these new ideas that are being presented, it gives humanity a way to understand the world and what it offers. As we dive deep into the different perspectives of these authors; I want us to understand their viewpoints when reading these articles such as the rhetorical elements and rhetorical situations. These two methods allow us, the reader to reflect on how the paper is written which will demonstrate the author’s purpose.

The first article that we will be looking at is about Andrews Ruiz and his discussion about the difference between learning from an individual to learning from a computer screen. The author of this article makes it apparent that when Andrew Ruiz talks about his issue, he makes the connections between the advancements of Technology and ourselves as human beings to philosophy. These two connections caused a lot of controversy with his thought process such as a teacher being able to connect with their students a lot more in person than from a computer screen. Not only did he mention this, but what we learn about the life, love, manipulation, greed, charity, thankfulness, and even, in a way, how to self-reflect. This shows that a well-written English phrase can deeply impact how to think about the world from either a question to a statement. When you take a look at the programming language or how to construct modus ponens arguments it is quite difficult when working with the digital environment known as MOOCs which makes it harder for teachers to work with students and even be involved with them. Eventually, technology will be advanced enough to assist us as we do in person, more student-instructor interaction, better and more advanced use of AI, better peer-to-peer learning. However, this will only happen if us people start pursuing the studies of our students and helping them grow so they can make these advancements

This article was somewhat biased when reading it by giving examples of why computerized learning is not an efficient way to understand philosophical arguments or even questions. The author tries to persuade the reader that this fine line of learning from the internet and learning from teachers is completely different. Not only that but the way he presented the article as well as well written giving us the source of his problem. The author then explains what are ways to fix these issues or how can we overcome them. One example of which is when he states “While teaching “facts” is an important part of education, if a student can’t understand the reasons for what he or she is learning and can’t see a way to apply propositional knowledge to real-world problems, education can fall flat and, many times, go unused.” This shows that even if the information were to be online it doesn’t change the fact that the information that is given to you is easy to understand. This shows us the reader that there is more than just understanding the philosophy of this world through a screen and rather have a nice deep conversation speaking your mind and points across.

As you can see, this was an example of the learning aspect of philosophy whether it should be done on the computer or teacher to student interactions. However, the next article called, “The most deadliest Animals in America” talks about the viewpoints of the mysterious dangerous creatures in America. For starters, Researchers from Stanford University updated analysis on animal-related deaths in the United States. This data consisted of a whopping 84,400 individuals for every 10 million that were killed by an animal-related death. This sounds surprising, but the largest proportion of animal-related deaths were not caused by exotic animals but rather other mammals such as cows, horses, and even raccoons; due to this they are considered to be the most dangerous in the united states. Although this may be true, we can not ignore the other dangers that lurk in the United States as well, such as the hornet, wasp, and bee. These groups of insects killed 30% out of the 84,400 that died from animal-related deaths which is a shocker because the group of other mammals had a percentage of 36%. Lastly, the third most dangerous animal that’s in the united states is dogs. Dogs have a percentage of 17% due to the conditions or even behavior may cause many dangers to not just people but other animals.

This article has left me with a heavy emotional reaction of fear due to the dangers that lurk in our country. Just thinking about how an animal that I enjoy eating and cooking every day can cause some serious stomach pain to the point where it can take my own life away. Not only that but also your own pet resorting to some intense animalistic behavior to just defend themselves or even other things. These aspects create fear for me wondering about the unknown possibilities of death but also brings up a lot of unanswered questions that the author of this article doesn’t mention. One of which is the reason for these amount of deaths like why are cows, horses, and raccoons the most dangerous creature, that killed a good portion of us, humans. This can’t just be the result of animals just attacking us nor an animal suddenly becoming violent. I feel that there are some secrets being kept on these animal attacks and highly doubt that they are all to blame or even being dangerous. Another one is how did most of these individuals die was it a blow to the head or problems with vital organs we can not make a judgment of these dangerous creatures if we don’t know what will happen. There are a few points that I agree with the author of this article such as the dangers of these animals however, there are big questions that are left open that make me want to disagree. All and all the article that I read was engaging to say the least establishing the dangers of these animals from most to least. Not only that the article was well written as well explaining it’s pointing on ranking how dangerous these animals are, but where the author lacked was explaining the reasoning behind these dangers or these animals being dangerous at all.

In addition to this Poe, a world-wide artist creates literary elements and devices in “The Pit and The Pendulum” that make amazing and unique storytelling. First, Poe uses the literary device of setting to create suspense. Not only this but the horrid imagery allows us to make the scenery unique and different, “Hideous pictures of torture devices and skeletons.” Poe uses the word Hideous to make the setting tense. Poe pulls the reader into the story and making the story scary and almost uncomfortable. As well as the word “torture devices” builds tension due to the sheer nature of construction that only causes pain. He has the reader ask themselves why would someone have painful devices in order to kill a human or just hurt them. It shows how these devices will most likely be used on the narrator causing him to have a slow painful death. In addition, Poe uses Tone to create a sense of fear. This is seen when he says, “I was sick-deathly sick from my agony.” This illustrates how the word agony represents pain that the narrator feels inside himself agony is a type of word to show pain inside and out. Furthermore, Deathly sick drives the reader tension because it shows how tired he was and needed rest and energy. Finally, Poe uses the literary device known as characterization giving us an understanding of how the character feels or their emotion, For instance, “And when they finally untied me, and I was allowed to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me.” This demonstrates suspense in characterization because the words show how he is almost unconscious from all that agony. Moreover, the words allowed him to show that the Spanish were up to something and made him enjoy his last few moments of pain and suffering. All in all the stories and articles that were made showed different mysterious pondering the thought of rhetorical elements and rhetorical situations. These stories and articles not only justified the mystery behind everything that was around us but also illustrates them in a manner that provides a lot of information about what’s going on and how to conduct it. As a result of this, it makes a good article or story for us the reader to enjoy and look upon.

MLA Citation
Thomas, Alexander. “Eric Cantona’s ‘Science Will Make Us Eternal’ Speech Was Funny – but He Has a Point.” The Conversation, 30 Aug. 2019, theconversation.com/eric-cantonas-science-will-make-us-eternal-speech-was-funny-but-he-has-a-point-122735.
Blakemore, Erin. “The Deadliest Animals in America, Ranked.” Popular Science, Popular Science, 18 Mar. 2019, www.popsci.com/deadliest-animals-in-america-ranked/.
Poe, Edgar Allan., et al. The Pit and the Pendulum: and Other Stories. Oxford University Press, 2008.